How Blood Type can Affect Egg Donation


Egg donation is a popular practice in the process of IF treatment. This service is offered worldwide by a wide numbers of egg donors. Thousands of IVF treatments involve egg donation every year. This has become an accepted implementation in IVF treatment due to the benefits it offers.

Use of egg donors in an IVF cycle provides more chances for a woman to become a mother despite her inability to use her own egg cells. Women going through premature menopause can also use egg donors in order to experience the process of pregnancy and delivery. Women with diminished ovarian reserve also use egg donors to initiate pregnancy. Women undergone surgical procedures and unable to produce high quality eggs hire egg donors to get quality eggs. Cancer affected women also seek the help of egg donors to be able to have babies. Egg donation is one of greatest solutions for couples experiencing multiple unsuccessful IVF attempts. It also comes as a saviour for all those women who have certain disorders that the babies might inherit genetically.

It’s a challenging process for every aspiring parent going through IVF treatment to search and finalise an egg donor. It is more of a sentimental decision for the couple to conclude an egg donor for their IVF cycle. The general search begins with finding someone who resembles the intended mother with basic genetic similarities like ethnic background, height, eye colour or hair colour. The extended criteria are religious belief, interests in sports or arts, or educational background. Other than these general criteria, intended parents are found to be mystified by the blood type of the egg donor. Well, this is an important aspect for the intended couples. They are really concerned about the fact that whether they need a same blood type as the intended mother or it can be any blood type? They are often curious to know if different blood type will have any unwanted repercussion on their child born out of such donation.

There a few factors to consider while matching the blood type of the egg donor. The couple needs to know about how the offspring’s blood type is determined. Some blood groups are uncommon and rare. One has to consider that aspect as well. The most important aspect related to such matching is dependent on the factor that whether the couple is going to disclose the fact of egg donation to the child in future or is going to hold it within them.

In case, as an intended parent, you do not wish to disclose the fact to your child about the egg donation, it becomes essential for you to select a donor to create similar blood types to those that the intended mother and father. It is important for such parents to select the intended father blood type combination to naturally create the similar blood types. As a matter of fact, IVF and fertility sector is developing fast as a research subject. This content has not only bought positive changes in countless childless couple’s lives, but also is an important motif for researchers in this field to find new wings to it. Nonetheless, in near future, children born out of egg donation will also be able to know about their genetics, irrespective of the fact that their birth realities have been hidden from them. Hence, it is quite likely that the child might grow trust issues against the parents in future. Parents may not be able to hide the fact from them even with the best planning. This is why, as a fertility unit serving for years now, it is our advice to reveal the fact to the child as they grow up. Or else, the day is not far when more complicated genetic testing will be available for them to know about their birth facts and complicate things within the family. Even if you are using an egg or embryo or sperm donor, you should always disclose the fact to the children as they grow up gradually. This is why we recommend intended parents to look for physical, educational, and personality traits in the egg donors rather than focusing only on the blood type.

Do it is yet not a very common practice, intended parents are sometimes found to be more interested in matching the blood group of the egg Donor with theirs instead of concentrating on other genetic traits. It is very important for the intended parents to remember that their children might not necessarily inherit similar blood types as their biological parents. Children born out of blood group unmatched egg donation equally healthy and active as the other children born out of blood group matched egg donation. Intended parents who are fussy about future mishaps and think about the blood transfusion that their children might require in future categorically interested in making babies out of blood matched egg donor’s egg cells. Actually they want to be the first blood donors for their children in future in case they meet with an accident.

One very important factor to consider while choosing an egg donor to expand your family is whether the egg donor has a negative blood type or positive blood type. The egg donor’s blood group type is medically vital to contemplate if the intended mother is Rh negative (Rh-), i.e. A negative, AB negative, etc. women with such blood types are more inclined towards developing antibodies to a foetus, i.e., Rh positive due to the donor being Rh positive (Rh+). Various antibodies grow due to inadequacy in administering rhogram drug. This might lead to an ectopic or miscarriage at dire occasions. Such situations are rare, as IVF consultants are always aware of proper rhogam administration in case the mother is blood type negative. However, this situation should be completely avoided by choosing an egg donor with negative blood type, in case the mother’s blood type is known to be Rh negative.

Blood type should not be considered as a deciding factor while choosing an egg Donor. There is no medical wearing dependent on the blood type on the outcome of the IVF cycle. Each aspiring parent has two “alleles” for the two blood groups and Rh factor. Only of them is passed on to one’s offspring. Being too fussy about the blood type of egg donors will only limited chances of getting an egg donor. Being in the IVF field for years now, we have noticed more intended couples from Middle East and Asia to be more concerned about the blood group of the egg donor rather than the other important aspect.

It is important to choose a healthy and professional egg donor for the purpose of completing a successful IVF cycle, rather than focusing on unimportant and complicated factors. Matching blood group type is not always required if you have decided to reveal the child’s birth history to your child as she grows up to a certain age. Hiring mature egg donors help you to execute the process smoothly and get effective results in a lesser time span. Such egg donors are much more rational to the service they are offering and abide by the contract. Their involvement in the IVF cycle ads on to the success of it and helps in achieving uninterrupted pregnancy and successful delivery.