Problems with pre and post operative care in Surrogacy


Surrogate mothers who are emotionally, physically and psychologically prepared for the D day have a better chance to carry a successful pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby. Pre operative care would ensure that steps have been taken in the right direction and the surrogate mother is medically fit in all respects to take on an implantation of IVF fertilized embryos. The role the pre operative care in the entire process right from the insertion of embryos in the uterus, development of a pregnancy and the delivery of the child could hardly be over emphasized. Let us elaborate on this a little:
– Preoperative care is extremely important before any invasive medical procedure whether it is a major or a minor surgery. Surrogacy is a major operation causing a considerable strain on the body and the mind of the surrogate mother.
– It should be given a serious deliberation that surrogate mothers devote their time, effort and lend their body in terms of a financial reimbursement. The baby with whom she may have developed an emotional attachment would be parted from her forever. This can be a mental setback no matter how hard-core professional a surrogate mother might have been.
– Preoperative care would also include the selection of the right egg donor. The initial effort taken in this area would have an impact on the health of the surrogate mother and pregnancy.
– Personalized care is a significant factor to make the surrogate mother physically and mentally comfortable.
– Physical preparation will include an analysis of the medical and physical examination which would include her response to anesthetics.
– The examination will include her complete blood profile.
What may go wrong?

A slack in preoperative care could be disastrous for the pregnancy. It will harm the health of the surrogate mother and result in a bad delivery and even a miscarriage in the extreme negative end. It will certainly disappoint the intending parents. A bad preoperative care could be like:
– The selected egg donor carries a disease that could affect the embryo and the health of the surrogate mother and the baby.
– The selected egg donor might carry a genetic disorder that could be transferred to the embryo through the surrogate mother if pre operative care is not properly taken.
– Donor sperms might have defects and a PGD would amount to a proper preoperative care in the absence of which the entire procedure would be futile. More importantly, the surrogate mother’s life could be in a precarious condition.
– The resourcefulness of the surrogacy clinic, the general health and hygienic standard, quality of staff supporting surrogacy service and preparation of the surrogate mother if not up to satisfactory norms will give a dissatisfying result.
– Proper medication and food supplied to the surrogate mother could be a significant issue in yielding a healthy pregnancy and a gratifying delivery. Lack of these inputs could be a threat to surrogate mother’s health as well as the baby. You may get a still born baby.
– Prior to implantation, the surrogate mother needs to undergo countless medical tests. Tests conducted by poor quality pathological laboratories would cut a sorry state of affairs if you are looking for a perfect delivery.
– A flaw in synchronization of the menstrual cycle between the egg donor and surrogate mother will lead to a failure in surrogacy service.


Post operative care in Surrogacy

Post operative care is as important as the preoperative care. From this point of time, the embryo develops and life is gradually infused into the fetus as pregnancy advances. Typical post operative care pitfalls could be:
– Unhygienic environment inside the clinic leading to an unhealthy pregnancy and poor child delivery.
– Poor nutrition and negligence in medication could turn out harmful to the pregnancy.
– Lack of support by nurses and attendants, lack of instructions regarding post operative exercises could lead to delivery issues.
– Lack of mental counseling after the surgery could lead to psychological problems for the surrogate mother.