Things to Consider After Getting Positive Outcome of the Beta Test Result



It is a wonderful feeling for an aspiring mother to get positive results in her beta pregnancy test. It calls for a lot of responsibilities for the mother and her gynaecologist as well. This is a crucial time to take care of the pregnancy and lead it towards a secured development. The beta test result comes in the form of a number. The number indicates hCG level present in the blood. In healthy pregnancies, this number increases rapidly and confirms the good health of the baby inside.

The blood hCG level over 100 is considered to be a good result at the beginning. In case the number is lesser than that, regular beta hCG level checking is advised by the doctor. The test, in fact, should be repeated in every 2 to 3 days to track the health of the pregnancy.

After the series of successful beta pregnancy tests and hCG level tracking, the doctor performs an ultrasound during the 6th or 8th week of the pregnancy. This is the time when the baby’s heartbeat is first heard and the gestational sac confirms the pregnancy.

Pregnant women are advised to take hormone medications until the 8th week of pregnancy to take good care of the pregnancy. After the 8th week, she is generally given her regular ob/gyn and advised normal prenatal care.

Expectations With A Pregnancy Blood Test

We have come across many couples who are literally confused about the pregnancy tests. This article will help them understanding the pregnancy blood tests and the responsibilities that come with the positive test result. There are two major pregnancy tests for early pregnancy detection. The beta blood test series and urine tests are done to confirm the pregnancy and its condition. These two tests detect the pregnancy by measuring the presence and levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), popularly known as the ‘pregnancy hormone’. This hormone is created only when the embryo gets attached to the uterine lining of the womb and hence has got such a popular name. The hormone is measured in both blood and urine within a short period of only 10 days after of fertilization, or after a day or two of the implantation.

The two types of blood tests are:

  1. A quantitative blood test is performed to calculate the accurate amount of hCG present in the blood. This beta blood test reveals the approximate age of the foetus. this beta blood test helps in detecting the normal development of the pregnancy.

  2. A qualitative hCG blood test is initially conducted by tempted aspiring parents to find out the occurrence of pregnancy. This test only detects the presence of hCG in the blood but not reveal anything about its level. A qualitative blood test is usually recommended for all those couples who have not undergone urine pregnancy test (UPT) at home. This test is done before a quantitative blood test.

Analysing The Results

In basic qualitative blood tests, the pregnancy is considered to be positive if the hCG amount is more than a certain limit. In case the level is 5 mIU hCG or above, it is taken to be a positive pregnancy result. This test is considered to be the easiest one to detect pregnancy shortly after conception.

Things To Do After A Positive Pregnancy Test

After a series of positive beta pregnancy test results, you are finally sure of your pregnancy. So here is a list of the basic things that you need to focus on:

  1. Stop the birth control pills: As a matter of fact, birth control pills do not have any effect once you are pregnant. They also do not hinder the pregnancy test but can bring adverse effects to your pregnancy. It is strongly advised to stop taking birth control pills soon after you get a positive pregnancy test.

  2. Stop smoking: Women aspiring to conceive and make a baby should stop smoking even when the idea stuck them first! Smoking can have adverse effects on women’s fertility. If you continue to smoke during your pregnancy, the baby might be born with physical defects or have mental retardation.

  3. Lower the intake of caffeine: Caffeine is present in coffee, soft drinks, and many other beverages. It might give you an instant boost of energy but actually is not good for the baby inside. Less than 200 milligrams of caffeine is what recommended in a day during pregnancy. Decaf coffee is allowed during this period.

  4. Stop taking any painkillers: Pregnancy causes various types of body cramps, body aches and pains. At times the pain might be extreme and persuade you to get relief through analgesics. Painkillers at the time of pregnancy are at all not safe. However, Acetaminophen is considered to be safe during pregnancy. It can be taken only after doctor’s recommendation. No drug should be taken without doctor’s prescription. It can vastly affect the pregnancy and can even lead to miscarriage on dire occasions. It is best to avoid all pain-relieving drugs at the time of pregnancy for the child’s sake.

  5. Restriction in excessive physical activities: Unexpected or unanticipated wrenches at the time of pregnancy can cause ovarian cramps and pain in the preggers. Sudden jerks can cause miscarriage in case the push is hard. It is important to consult your doctor regarding such issues. Talk to him and know the exercises that you can do during this time. Running during pregnancy is, of course, healthy but should be done only after doctor’s consultation.

  6. Depression: Let your doctor decide if you require any antidepressant during pregnancy and not consume on your own. Taking antidepressants without doctor’s advice can have negative consequences for your child. It causes preterm labour in most cases. A child born out of such pregnancy is mostly found to be low in weight. Antidepressants do great damage to the child inside the womb and destroy its immunity. The child might catch various illnesses throughout her life due to this.

  7. Cut down on alcohol: Alcohol can cause severe abnormalities to the baby in the womb. If you are pregnant, you have to cut down on your alcohol intake completely. There is no alternative to abstaining from alcohol while pregnant.

  8. Regular vaginal check-up: Most pregnant woman suffers from bacterial vaginosis at the time of pregnancy. The regular vaginal examination is utmost necessary to check for any infections and prevent it from spreading.

  9. Wear loose clothing and stay relaxed: It becomes essential to wear comfortable and loose clothes After getting a positive pregnancy test. There are a special bigger bra and loose t-shirts for women during this period. You can have a variety of pregnancy attires suitable as per your comfort level. It is also vital to wear compression socks to get relief from cramps.

  10. Taking vitamins and eating a healthy diet: Pregnancy period is the time to embrace all the healthy stuff that you have always hated! Vitamin and minerals are very vital to intake during this period for the baby’s nourishment. It is advised to have small meals at regular intervals. This is important for the child’s growth inside the womb.