Understanding the concept of fertility tourism


The concept of fertility tourism fundamentally emanates from a quest for infertility treatment for childless couples, which is unavailable in the country where they reside on account of a mix of factors. Hence, the need to travel abroad arises where their desire can be achieved with practically no legal and social constraints and the treatment comes at an affordable package with a very high quality of infertility treatment services. This is a sort of medical tourism as per the conceptual identity where the physical disorder centers on not being capable of having a child.

The chief medical objectives aimed at are In-vitro fertilization (IVF), availing egg and sperm donor services and the surrogate mother’s insemination who will ultimately give birth to the baby. These are highly sophisticated and technically critical medical procedures requiring a combination of profound knowledge, expertise, and focus and, of course, a lot of dedication.

With the opening of the gateway to infertility treatment facilities and the consequent success stories that spread through the grapevine reaching the childless couples around the world giving rise to a flood of optimism that not having a child is not at all a play of destiny, but positive solutions are indeed available. You have to find the right clinic and be there at the right time for which you might have to move out of your own country. Gradually, the concept of fertility tourism gained rapid and widespread popularity, and it has become a key tourism niche that has earned the tourism industry millions of dollars. And it has brought in smiles to innumerable childless couples making them proud and happy parents.

Although the end results might be enormously blissful, the hardships and constraints faced by the intending parents seeking infertility solution are quite trying. The ordeal of getting a convenient appointment date, the plethora of myriad medical tests to be undergone prior to the treatment, organizing a trip and fixing up accommodation and huge patience have made this tourism a very difficult affair. Still the intending parents move ahead with a mix of intense hope and determination since a success in their quest would make all the difference in their lives. It will turn the very course of their lives and all the hardships and patience would be paid off by several times. The mental agony and social stigma of not having a baby is, after all, more unbearable compared to difficulties faced in seeking infertility treatment.

Going overseas for In-vitro fertilization technology (IVF):

Visits by childless couples seeking IVF to overseas clinics hit an astounding figure of around 2500 annually and Israel seems to be the most sought after destination in terms of quality IVF solutions on offer having the highest number of infertility clinics per capita making this country the global topper. USA comes a close second with parents preferring this country for substantial success rates and flexible legal scenario and not so harsh social regulations.

IVF is the artificial laboratory procedure in which sperms and eggs donated by professional donors are fused in a strictly medically monitored ambience for achieving fertilization of the eggs by sperms. This arrangement arises when the intending parents fail to produce healthy eggs and sperms with a high fertility potential. Similarly, when the biological mother is incapable of conceiving, the externally fertilized eggs are implanted in her uterus. Pregnancy follows and the baby is delivered in due course. The infertility treatment clinic organizes everything for the fertility tourist for a fee.